THE World Health Organization (WHO) has started using the phrase "physical distancing" instead of "social distancing" as a way to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus from people to people, a move widely welcomed by experts as a step in the "right direction". PERTUBUHAN Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) sudah memulakan penggunaan istilah baru "kejarakan fizikal" daripada istilah sebelumnya "kejarakan sosial", sebagai satu cara mencegah penularan virus novel Corona dari manusia ke manusia yang lain, satu langkah yang disambut baik pakar-pakar antarabangsa yang menyifatkannya sebagai satu tindakan "ke arah yang betul". At a daily news briefing on March 20, officials of the global health body said while maintaining a physical distance was "absolutely essential" amid the global pandemic, "it does not mean that socially we have to disconnect from our loved ones, from our family." Dalam...