Blaming factories without facts and figures is unfair

Soh Thian Lai

Only 14.36%, 95,156 out of accumulated 662,457 Covid-19 cases

FMM says sporadic cases are not being traced back to the community, resulting in workplaces being blamed as being the source of infections. (Bernama pic)

Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) has denied that the manufacturing industry has been responsible for the bulk of Covid-19 cases despite constantly being blamed, reported FMT.

In a statement, FMM president Datuk Soh Thian Lai said only 147,040 of the total 662,457 cumulative cases as of June 14 were from workplace clusters. Of this, only 95,156 were from the manufacturing sector.

“The low figure of 14.36% (95,156 out of 662,457) cases shows that factory clusters are not the major source of infections,” he said.

He added that the health ministry’s own data showed that sporadic asymptomatic cases made up a bigger volume of cases, up to 69% of cases reported this year as of June 19.

“These sources of infections are often not traced back to the community but to the workplace where more workers are tested as a result of one confirmed infection,” he said.

“This, in turn, is classified as a workplace cluster by the authorities, giving rise to the misconception that the workplace is the primary source of infection.”

The FMM statement was made following the government’s announcement of an indefinite extension of the national lockdown.

Soh called for a review of which economic sectors will be allowed to remain in operations, with a focus on export-oriented industries. He said the lockdown should be implemented in a targeted manner in order to minimise its impact on the economy and questioned the thresholds set by the government before transitioning into Phase 2.

He said the national recovery plan had no direction on resetting the economy and assisting businesses during the prolonged lockdown, repeating his call for Putrajaya to announce a RM200 billion stimulus package.

FMM requests for more direct assistance in terms of automatic loan moratorium, enhanced wage subsidy, electricity and energy discounts, reduced or deferred statutory contributions.” End©Permadu

Brought to you by Fauzi Kadir CHIEF EDITOR
for Permadu Malaysia

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    Mmg. GILA betul, RAKYAT diHUKUM & diSALAHkan dgn. buat PKP/DARURAT POLITIK keji Diktator Muhyiddin - tapi KILANG yg. 100 PEKERJA2 disyaki ASING @ disyaki PATI2, yg. dah diJANGKITI Covid-19 - diBENAQkan utk. BEROPERASI spt biasa waktu PKP, serta MAJIKAN menindas PEKERJA2 dgn. MEROMPAK akan GAJI depa utk. buat SARINGAN Covid-19, serta terpaksa beli peralatan & buat proses Sanitasi sendiri!!

    Di -

  2. Dan si ANJING2 paling BUAS dr. PEMBUNUH2/PEROMPAK2 Zionis NAZI Diktator MAHIADDIN/azmin HOMO/khairy PARASIT/rejim2 PH-BERSATU - sdg. MEROMPAK berJUTA2 Vaksin utk. diberikan SEGERA - pd. Industri2 PERKILANGAN tempatan & asing, yg. diDOMINASI berJUTA2 pekerja2 ASING/PATI2 - sdgkan BERIBU2 Rakyat Orang ASAL Islam/Melayu kita, yg. disyaki MAJORITI mangsa pelbagsi VIRUS Covid-19 terbaru & paling GANAS (yg. dr. asal lagi, disyaki diCIPTA oleh PENGGANAS2 Zionis US/ISrael utk. menSASARkan DNA2 bangsa tertentu, termsk. DNA bangsa ISLAM/MELAYU kita) - diBIAQkan MATI beramai2 dlm. GENOSID Covid-19!! JAHATnya ANJING2 PEROMPAK/PEMBUNUH u!!

    Di -

    NOTA: SENGAJA tunjuk wanita BERTUDUNG dpt. Vaksin skrg. di KILANG ASING gergasi ni - sdgkan Industri PERKILANGAN keseluruhannya telah diDOMINASI si PEKERJA2 ASING/PATI2!! PENIPU betul PEMBUNUH2/PEROMPAK2 ni!!


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