The 5 ringgit corruption in Johor Bahru Immigration Department?

23-year-old university student claimed she was asked to transfer RM5 to an immigration officer's personal bank account when she collected her new passport, despite having already paid the renewal fee online.  NSTP FILE PICTURE

Immigration Department should not force people to buy the passport plastic protective cover

A 23-year-old university student has alleged that an immigration officer in Johor Bahru asked her to transfer RM5 to a personal bank account after she collected her renewed passport, despite already paying the required renewal fee online, New Straits Times reported on Saturday 30 November 2024.

The student, who requested anonymity, said she received an email from the immigration department on 26 November 2024 , notifying her that her passport was ready for collection at the Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) in Galleri@Kotaraya.

When she arrived, a female immigration officer handed her the passport and requested an additional RM5 payment. Surprised by the unexpected charge, the student explained she didn't have the cash.

She was then instructed to make the payment via QR code. However, the account linked to the QR code was reportedly the officer's personal account, not an official government account.

"I was slightly dazed as I was under the impression that all payments had already been made online.

"I did not realise that my renewed passport came with a plastic cover, which I hadn't requested.

"I was also not told what the RM5 was for," she told the English daily on Saturday. 

"After checking my bank transaction receipt, I realised that the RM5 was transferred to a personal bank account," she added.

The student said that although the amount involved is small, she does not condone any form of malpractice or misuse of power.

Its director Datuk Mohd Rusdi Mohd Darus said a thorough internal investigation was conducted. NSTP FILE PICTURE

The English language newspaper contacted Johor Immigration Department director Datuk Rusdi Mod Darus for his comments.

Rusdi said the immigration department takes allegations of such behaviour seriously, and investigations are underway.

He urged individuals who encounter irregularities during transactions at immigration offices to report the matter to the department immediately.

In related development, Johor Immigration Department clarified yesterday, Sunday 1 December, that the RM5 fee charged to the university student on the day before was for the passport's plastic cover.

Its director Mohd Rusdi said a thorough internal investigation was conducted.

"The RM5 charged to the student was for the purchase of the passport plastic protective cover.

"After an in-depth investigation, we found no evidence of misconduct or integrity violations.

Immigration Department should not force people to buy the passport plastic protective cover

"The RM5 payment was legitimate and was deposited into the Johor Immigration Sports Charity Club account," he told the English daily yesterday. 

He confirmed that the officer attached to immigration's counter at the Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) in Galleria@Kotaraya had properly accounted for the RM5 charged, which was deposited into the club's official account.

He said no breaches of integrity were identified in the process.

However, he acknowledged room for improvement in its operational processes.

"To enhance transparency and public confidence, immigration plans to implement changes in the payment system.

"Moving forward, all payments related to the club's activities will be conducted through an official account managed by the club," he said.

He assured the public that immigration remains committed to upholding integrity and transparency in all its dealings.

He said the public is encouraged to contact the department directly for clarification. 

People are encouraged to complain through media

Well, normally, no action will be taken if you complain directly to the department. Therefore, complaining through media is the right move so as to ensure the information can be fairly shared with the rest of the public.

The people in the country should reserve the right to know as well. This is one effective way to expedite improvements in government departments.

The appearance and act on the above video are for illustration purpose only.


By Fauzi Kadir
Chief Editor

Assistant Editor
Jamaliah Mohd Salleh

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