What the controversial blogger says
An article by RPK published in Malaysia Today on Saturday 22 June 2019

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, prominent blogger

RAJA PETRA KAMARUDDIN or RPK, a Malaysian prominent blogger (an asylum in United Kingdom) has something interesting to say about the announcement made by the new chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission  (MACC) Latheefa Beebi Koya.

Latheefa Beebi Koya, MACC chief

She made the announcement at a press conference in Putrajaya, on Friday 21 June 2019. Latheefa announced that the MACC had filed civil forfeiture applications against 41 individuals and entities to recover money allegedly transferred from the account of former prime minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak.

" First of all, the list of 41 names that MACC published two days ago is not the complete list. The complete list has about 100 names. The only problem is many from that list of 100 names are Pakatan Harapan people or ex-Barisan Nasional people now defected to Pakatan Harapan. So that is why Latheefa Koya released only 41 names and not the entire list of 100 names. "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" ...that list is a very old list, long before GE14. But the MACC could not release it or take action on that list because they cannot prove the money came from 1MDB. They can only prove that the money came from Umno. But then Umno is supposed to own RM100 billion in cash, assets and investments so the party could more than afford to donate all that money, even if it is RM1 billion and not RM265 million as the MACC claims. "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" The money given to Umno Johor, Umno Kedah and Umno Sabah shows RM677,872, RM1,054,019 and RM1,254,113 respectively. Actually, these state Umnos were given RM50 million each (RM1 million cannot even pay for one division in the state let alone the whole state) and the money was handed to Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal (Mukhriz denies this and says he knows nothing). "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" Of course, the money was given to
Umno, but someone, a person, in Umno must receive that money. and these people are Muhyiddin Yassin, Mukhriz Mahathir and Shafie Apdal. Why did Latheefa not reveal the real amount and the names of the people who received the money from Umno? "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" Latheefa's game of distraction has backfired badly and has opened a Pandora's box. "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" Muhyiddin received RM50 million
on behalf of Umno Johor. "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

" The police told Dr Mahathir that it is impossible to save Azmin Ali, so all they can do now is to play delay tactics and in the meantime distract the people with the 1MDB issue. "
- Raja Petra Kamaruddin

by Fauzi Kadir  ° Permadu Malaysia
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