Brief Information on a fierce critic
Mariam Mokhtar, the pretty woman

MARIAM MOKHTAR is the fierce critic of the socio-political problem of Malaysia, who wishes to rid the country of extremism, intolerance and double-standards that are rampant in Malaysia.

"The event of May 9 have provided the catalyst for a new beginning in Malaysia Baru (New Malaysia). Next, we should muster the courage to move forward.

"We start now. We may not see the fruits of our work, but our children and grandchildren will," wrote Mariam.

Mariam explained that things are not the same as her experiences growing up. Those days, Malaysians enjoyed inter-faith and inter-culture integration. Even schools and universities were more respected.

According to her, today, the education system has been dumbed down for the sake of race, religion and the country while sacrificing integration and integrity.

Mariam also mentioned how this phenomenon can be reversed. She listed 10 basic rules for everyone to follow:

(1) Never do things with money in mind.

(2) Cure one's Periuk Nasi (Rice-Bowl) Syndrome.

(3) Learn how to communicate better.

(4) Have fear and respect for God but not religious symbols.

(5) Apply the belief of families who eat together, stay together.

(6) Learn to have a better education.

(7) Serve the public and not oneself.

(8) Never blame others.

(9) Never be afraid of hard work.

(10) Always think and make the best decisions.

by Fauzi Kadir  ° Permadu Malaysia
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