UiTM sacked lecturer allegedly involved in sexual harassment

No clear indication whether the accused lecturer was proven guilty or otherwise 
Facebook photograph for illustration purpose only. No connection at all with the content of this article.

BERNAMA reported Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) has dismissed with immediate effect a lecturer accused of sexually harassing a former student.

In a statement yesterday, UiTM said it took the allegations of sexual harassment against the lecturer seriously and had conducted an investigation following the guidelines and legal process contained in the Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000 (Act 605). 

It said under the Act, disciplinary action could be taken against staff members who violated the rules, codes of conduct and prohibitions contained in Act 605 and UiTM regulations.

UiTM’s integrity unit had conducted a thorough investigation starting last year based on all the evidence that had been collected, it added. 

“After the interrogation and internal investigation procedures were completed and discussed by the disciplinary committee, UiTM has taken action to immediately terminate the service of the lecturer who was accused of sexually harassing the former student,” read the statement.

UiTM vice-chancellor Roziah Mohd Janor said the university’s staff members were regularly reminded about Act 605.

“If anyone disobeys an order or behaves in any way that can reasonably be interpreted as disobeying an order, the university will not compromise and will take stern action against them,” she added.

The appearance of Malaysian football legendary superstar Dato' Dollah Salleh is for illustration purpose only.


Adaptation/Presentation by Fauzi Kadir

Concept/Technicalities/Text Preparation 
assisted by Nazura Othman

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