Malaysian Entertainment News

25-year-old wife of popular singer Jamal Abdillah,60, pregnant after three miscarriages

In KUALA LUMPUR, well-known singer Jamal Abdillah's 25-year-old wife is pregnant after suffering three miscarriages, according to Asia News Network (ANN), reported Singapore-based The Straits Times.

The 60-year-old icon, who has been described as the bad boy of Malaysian pop, said they are expecting the birth of a daughter in October or November.

Jamal, whose three other marriages ended in divorce, married Zai Izzati Khairuddin in 2017.

"When she went for a medical check-up recently, the doctor said the baby was in good health," said the singer who is known for his sharp dressing.

A Malaysian daily reported that Jamal, who has fans in both Malaysia and Singapore, delayed revealing the happy news until the couple were certain that their hopes of starting a family would not be dashed yet again.

He said previously he did not think that his wife's miscarriages were natural, speculating instead that someone could have resorted to using black magic to harm them.

Now that she is pregnant, "our family members are coming up with suggestions for her names, and we welcome feedback from fans," said Jamal, who has two sons, aged 18 and 12, from past marriages.

The couple married just a month after they got to know each other. They met only once before they tied the knot.

Meanwhile, the news of the pregnancy will delight the wife of Malaysian prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali played the violin in December 2018 when she agreed to be a guest performer at a concert held by Jamal and another fellow music icon M Nasir, who is Singapore-born.

by Fauzi Kadir  ° Permadu Malaysia
● 2019.Permadu Malaysia
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