Dear Prof, Teacher Absenteeism Case In Sabah doesn't reflect the whole Malaysia

Teacher Absenteeism is Malaysia biggest education problem, says former foreign professor in Malaysian government university

It's undeniable that habitual Teacher Absenteeism is completely unacceptable. But we believe that it doesn't happen everywhere in the country.

It's sad to say that Sabah has been administered by opportunists for the past many decades. Precisely, since its independence under Malaysian federal government.

The current development in the state shows that the situation is worsening. It won't be good for Madani government to keep on working together with the corrupt political parties in Sabah. But what choice does Madani have for the sake of its own survival? 

We wish to share this article written by an Australian, Thailand-based Prof Dr Murray Hunter, a former foreign professor in Malaysia government university located in Perlis. It is understood he is now residing in Haadyai.

This article is taken from his blog, dated 14 September 2023, more than a year ago.

Enjoy reading...

Tiada Guru invites you to follow the Rakyat Bangkit series. This series aims to share severe educational & cultural issues in the Ministry of Education (and also the Government), in an easy-to-understand way. We are familiar with the issue of two degrees, the issue of integrity, the issue of corruption that is getting worse. What does all the issues have to do with? The answer to that question is the purpose of the Rakyat Bangkit series, from the perspective of civil servant informants. We will share rare news & systemic issues, with speakers who specialize in Sabah, individual human rights, and oppression. Think of the Rakyat Bangkit series as the beginning to really understand the problems and hopes of our country. Many do not know or have not really seen the Malaysian government system. The Rise of the People thesis, which will try to show the reality of our country, begins with an analysis: are we now in a system of neo-colonism, when there is an upper class with power and ordinary people under it? This is for sure: this series will speak with freedom without censorship.

@tiadaguruEP01 #RakyatBangkit | Perjuangan Pendidikan Bersih | Addy Samsudin. Episod pertama Rakyat Bangkit dimulakan dengan dua statistik tentang Sabah: 1) Sabah negeri paling miskin di Malaysia dengan kadar 25.3%, data tahun 2020. 2) Sabah  mempunyai populasi kanak-kanak kedua tertinggi sebanyak 1.12 juta, data tahun 2021. Sabah miskin, kanak-kanak paling ramai, pendidikan paling rendah, guru ponteng paling banyak. Ini semua berkaitan. Kita tidak lagi tunggu pihak atasan selesaikan. Sebab itu, pelajar Sabah ini berani mencabar realiti penindasan ini dengan kes saman mahkamah! Sumber: #RakyatBangkit | Keadilan Realiti Baharu | Addy Samsudin. Siapa Defendan yang disaman oleh bekas pelajar ini dalam dua saman ini? 1) Mohd. Jainal Jamran (guru SMK Taun Gusi; didakwa ponteng berbulan-bulan) 2) Hj Suid Hj Hanapi (dalam kapasiti Pengetua SMK Taun Gusi) 3) Pegawai Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Kota Belud 4) Pengarah Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri (JPN) Sabah 5) Ketua Pengarah, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 6) Menteri Pendidikan, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia 7) Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia Kenapa saman semua? Sebab mereka sepatutnya menjadi pihak berwajib yang bersih, amanah dan adil, tetapi mereka khianat kepada anak-anak kita. Di sebalik kes saman ini juga ialah mesej besar kepada rakyat Malaysia bahawa kebenaran & keadilan adalah nilai tertinggi yang mesti diperjuangkan bersama rakyat dari daerah dan negeri lain seluruh Malaysia. Sumber: #RakyatBangkit | Tiga Keperluan Kritikal | Addy Samsudin. Untuk rakyat hidup dengan selamat dan adil, halangannya cukup besar. Kita boleh lihat dari satu sudut apabila ada kes salah laku di sekolah. Siapa yang dilindungi walaupun dia adalah pesalah? Siapa yang diancam walaupun dia berani lapor? Inilah Malaysia. Kenapa rasuah semakin diterima sebagai biasa? 1) Siasatan tidak dibuat dengan adil, dan 2) Saksi tidak dilindungi sebaliknya diugut dan diancam, dan 3) Proses untuk mendapatkan keadilan tidak telus. Sudah tentu pihak pesalah dan gang atasan sangat gembira dengan sistem yang ada sekarang, kan? Automatik mereka menang.@tiadaguruEP04 #RakyatBangkit | Sistem korup siasat orang korup | Apa sistem korup itu? Ia ada di mana-mana agensi dan kementerian. Berlaku di sekolah juga. Mungkin setiap hari kita hadap. Sekarang skandal rasuah ahli politik Sabah, tiada tangkapan pun walau ada bukti video mereka mengaku, lepas tu TYT Sabah pula yang baru dilantik tu pernah dapat 46x tuduhan rasuah, tetapi kes itu ditarikh balik. Macamana mereka semua ini boleh auto menang dengan sistem ini? Cuba lihat daripada kuasa perdana Menteri. PM nasihat dan lantik Ketua Peguam Negara dan Ketua SPRM. Peguam Negara & SPRM akan dakwa sesiapa yang ada kes rasuah. “Sebagai contoh, jika ada berlaku kes rasuah oleh Perdana Menteri, sanggupkah ketua SPRM akan menyiasat orang yang melantiknya? Sebagai contoh, apa akan berlaku kepada Kerajaan Madani jika Perdana Menteri mengarahkan Peguam Negara/SPRM mendakwa ahli politik Sabah daripada parti gabungan Kerajaan?


EP05 #RakyatBangkit | Kenapa pemberi maklumat dinafikan perlindungan | Anda saksi atau pemberi maklumat? Dengan sistem sekarang…… Mungkin buang masa saja buat laporan bagai. Kita sudah dengan mudah tutup saja semua dengan kes khianat dan rasuah yang kita tahu. Kenapa? Sebab kita tahu, kalau kita yang lapor, kita juga yang kena balik. Penjawat awamkah, ibu bapakah, muridkah, orang kampungkah. Pesalah dari kalangan orang atasan pasti akan lepas.@tiadaguruEP06 #RakyatBangkit | Risiko apabila berani bersuara | Hari ini, apa-apa kes salah laku yang kita lapor, kita tidak boleh datang kepada pihak atasan dengan tangan kosong. Kita mesti ada sistem sokongan daripada rakyat. Harapkan pihak atasan? Mereka lebih jahat. Ini adalah beberapa bukti saksi dan pemberi maklumat “dihukum” apabila mereka mendedahkan salah laku dan rasuah pegawai korup. Ain Husniza dan Lalitha mendapat sokongan penuh rakyat Malaysia. Kekuatan ini yang diperlukan daripada rakyat sekarang. Perjuangan rakyat mesti disambut dengan keberanian dan semangat juang yang tinggi.@tiadaguruEP07 #RakyatBangkit | Wujudkah siasatan telus & tegas? | Bagaimana udang-undang menjadi penyelamat pihak korup? Fakta 1: Ahli-ahli politik merupakan penggubal undang-undang di Parlimen. Fakta 2: Ahli politik orang paling rasuah dan korup. Fahamkan ini. Rasuah dan salah laku sepatutnya menghukum pihak korup, kan? Tidak jika mereka menjadi golongan atasan. Mereka gunakan undang-undang. Sebagai contoh, AKTA RAHSIA RASMI KERAJAAN. Apa contoh rahsia kerajaan ni? Ada rahsia kerajaan yang akan dedah salah laku mereka atau ahli gang mereka. Untuk selamat, mereka ancam saksi dengan hukuman penjara seumur hidup. Siapa berani ambil risiko ini?@tiadaguruEP08 #RakyatBangkit | Rakyat menang jika rasuah dikalahkan | Rakyat ada hak bersuara, ada dalam perlembagaan. Memang, takut bersuara sebahagian daripada realiti rakyat. Macam-macam akibat dan kesan apabila kita berani mempersoal atau melapor. Budaya penindasan ini bermula daripada sekolah lagi. Kita belajar, tidak mempersoal. Kita terima dan ikut arahan, tidak mempersoal. Lama-kelamaan, kita terbiasa menjadi diam dan takut. Akhirnya, golongan atasan akan bersumpah sistem ini adalah untuk rakyat, sampai bila-bila.

New Reality Justice | Addy Samsudin. Who is the Defendant sued by this former student in these two suits? 1) Mohd. Jainal Jamran (teacher of SMK Taun Gusi; allegedly missed for months) 2) Hj Suid Hj Hanapi (in the capacity of Principal of SMK Taun Gusi) 3) Kota Belud District Education Office (PPD) Officer 4) Director of Sabah State Education Department (JPN) 5) Director General, Ministry of Education Malaysia 6) Minister of Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia 7) Why did the Federal Government of Malaysia sue everyone? Because they should be clean, trustworthy and fair authorities, but they betray our children. Behind this lawsuit is also a big message to Malaysians that truth and justice are the highest values that must be fought for together with people from other regions and states throughout Malaysia. Source: 

Three Critical Needs | Addy Samsudin. For the people to live safely and fairly, the obstacles are quite large. We can see from one angle when there is a case of misconduct at school. Who is protected even if he is a delinquent? Who is threatened even if he dares to report? This is Malaysia. Why is corruption increasingly accepted as normal? 1) Investigations are not conducted fairly, and 2) Witnesses are not protected but instead threatened and threatened, and 3) The process to get justice is not transparent. Of course the offenders and the gang leaders are very happy with the current system, right? They automatically win.

What is a corrupt system? It is in any agency and ministry. Happens in schools too. Maybe we face it every day. Now that Sabah politicians are in the corruption scandal, there is no arrest even though there is video evidence of them confessing, after that the newly appointed TYT of Sabah was charged with 46x corruption, but the case was retracted. How can all of them auto win with this system? Try to see from the power of the Prime Minister. The PM advises and appoints the Attorney General and the MACC Chief. The Attorney General & MACC will prosecute anyone who has a corruption case. "For example, if there is a corruption case by the Prime Minister, is the head of the MACC willing to investigate the person who appointed him?" For example, what will happen to the Deputy Government if the Prime Minister orders the Attorney General / MACC to prosecute Sabah politicians from the Government's coalition party?

Why are whistleblowers denied protection | Are you a witness or an informant? With the current system...... Maybe it's a waste of time to make a report. We have easily covered up everything with cases of treachery and corruption that we know. Why? Because we know, if we report, we will also have to go back. Are civil servants, mothers, students, village people? Offenders from among the superiors will definitely escape.

Risk when daring to speak up | Today, any case of misconduct that we report, we cannot come to our superiors empty-handed. We must have a support system from the people. Expect superiors? They are more evil. This is some evidence that witnesses and informants were "punished" when they exposed the misconduct and corruption of corrupt officials. Ain Husniza and Lalitha have the full support of Malaysians. This strength is what the people need now. The people's struggle must be met with great courage and fighting spirit.

Is there a transparent & firm investigation? | How can the law be the savior of corrupt parties? Fact 1: Politicians are legislators in Parliament. Fact 2: Politicians are the most corrupt and corrupt people. Understand this. Corruption and misbehavior should punish corrupt parties, right? Not if they become the upper class. They use the law. For example, the OFFICIAL SECRET ACT OF THE GOVERNMENT. What is an example of this government secret? There are government secrets that will expose the wrongdoing of them or their gang members. To be safe, they threaten witnesses with life imprisonment. Who dares to take this risk?

The people win if corruption is defeated | The people have the right to speak out, it is in the constitution. Indeed, fear of speaking out is part of the reality of the people. All kinds of consequences and effects when we dare to question or report. This culture of oppression started in school. We learn, don't question. We accept and follow orders, don't question. Over time, we get used to being silent and afraid. In the end, the upper class will swear this system is for the people, until any time.

The people win if corruption is defeated | The people have the right to speak out, it is in the constitution. Indeed, fear of speaking out is part of the reality of the people. All kinds of consequences and effects when we dare to question or report. This culture of oppression started in school. We learn, don't question. We accept and follow orders, don't question. Over time, we get used to being silent and afraid. In the end, the upper class will swear this system is for the people, until any time.

The appearance and act on the above video are for illustration purpose only.


Adapted by Fauzi Kadir
Chief Editor

Assistant Editor
Nazura Othman

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