CIMB Bank to cease support for CIMB Clicks, replaced by upgraded CIMB Octo

CIMB Bank Berhad says it will cease support for the CIMB Clicks app (pic) on June 11.

Media reported today CIMB Bank Bhd has announced that it will cease support for its CIMB Clicks mobile banking app on June 11, 2024, after which it will no longer be available to download from app stores.

According to The Star, the bank encourages its customers to switch over to the CIMB Octo app moving forward, though the existing CIMB Clicks website, which can be accessed via desktop and browser, will be unaffected by this change.

It has also stated via an FAQ page on its website that customers will still be able to continue performing online banking transactions using the old CIMB Clicks app, though it remains uncertain if it will keep working in perpetuity.

CIMB customers can download the Octo app from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei App Gallery.

The CIMB Octo app was originally introduced in August 2022 and was meant to provide its customers with new features and a greater degree of customisation.

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Nazura Othman

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