OutSyed The Box Mohon Menteri Handsome Tolong Sikit-lah!

Handsome-nya, kata OutSyed The Box


Walaupun terdapat unsur komedi dan lembut dalam membuat teguran, ianya amat membawa erti yang mendalam.

Teguran penting daripada Tuan Syed Akbar Ali, penulis dan pemilik blog OutSyed The Box ini (walaupun beliau mungkin tidak memaksudkannya), menggambarkan menteri dari DAP ini tidaklah sehebat dan secekap mana, hampir dua kali lima sahaja dengan menteri-menteri terdahulu di bawah pentadbiran Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (ya ke Abah Prihatin?) dan Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Keluarga Malaysia yang gagal seperti MARA Digital).

Berdasarkan laporan media mengenai perisytiharan harta dan pendapatan menteri dan politikus sebelum ini, YB Nga merupakan antara pemimpin politik paling kaya dan memperolehi pendapatan tertinggi di negara ini. Tetapi itu tidak menjadi isu selagi ianya diperolehi hasil titik peluh beliau sendiri, bukan melalui rasuah dan penyelewengan.

Berikut, jom baca tulisan menarik dari OutSyed The Box ini:

YB Nga,

We live in a nice, quiet area in Kajang. Its a bungalow area so it is low density. But what happens is that during the night the illegal garbage operators or illegal garbage dumpsters dump garbage by the roadside in our area (because it is a quiet area). 

We complain to the Majlis Perbandaran Kajang and they will usually remove the illegal garbage.

This time however it has been 19 days and the Majlis people have not removed the illegally dumped garbage. (I can tell you why this thing happens - the usual issues).

Here is our complaint on 29th May sent via wattsapp. Wednesday 29, May 2024 No Aduan MPKJ 28749 43000 Kajang, Selangor WHATSAPP PKj 59 Sampah haram di .. . . . Tolong bersihkan. Tksh.

Reply from Majlis on 31st May:

Sampah haram kita bantu kali ini. Lori ambil berperingkat sebab sampah bercampur dgn domestik. Salam sejahtera. Untuk makluman.👆🏻

Bantu kali ini sajakah? Lain kali tak boleh bantu kah? What is the meaning of 'lori ambil berperingkat sebab sampah bercampur'?

The Majlis fellows came on 30th May and actually started sifting through the garbage. They removed only some of the garbage because they said the 'sampah bercampur'.  

Sampah is sampah. 

Here is a picture of the Majlis fellows sifting through the garbage on 30th May, '24:   

But the rest of the garbage is still piled up by the roadside. They left it there. Until today 16 June, 2024 it is still there. 19 days have gone by. This picture is from yesterday 15 June '24:   

The same with the street lights. The street lights in our area are also out. We sent a complaint to the Majlis on 21st March 2024. Almost THREE MONTHS ago. Still not fixed yet.

The Majlis replied (below) and said they will fix the street lights 'secara berperingkat' by 20th April 2024. Today is Father's Day June 16th 2024. Still not done. 

Syed Akbar Ali's Conclusion:

Tuan Syed Akbar Ali, penulis dan pemilik blog OutSyed The Box

YB Nga tolong sikit lah. Every year we pay our Cukai Pintu, Cukai Taksiran, Cukai Tanah etc. We pay for everything. Where is the service?  

There are other things going on here - which happens throughout the 155 or so Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) that fall under your Ministry - which need a long term solution. 

The issue is how the local councils select these contractors for garbage removal, fixing street lights, road repair, drainage etc.  

I believe the Ali Baba system is still in place. The contractor will sub-contract the jobs. 

There are also quotas for licenses and permits. So there are plenty of illegal operators. 

The same system that messed up the country is still in place. It is time to crack the whip. YB minta tolong sikit.


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