Drug, money laundering behind success of Kelantan social media influencers and product founders

(Left) Datuk Mohd Yusoff Mamat, Kelantan police chief

According to Kelantan police, many social media influencers and product founders in the state have been found to be involved in drug distribution and money laundering activities.

Referring to Berita Harian's news, FMT quoted Kelantan police chief Datuk Mohd Yusoff Mamat as saying that previous arrests had shown that most of them used their businesses to conceal criminal activities.

“The first case involved the arrest of a product founder along with drugs worth RM5 million in 2020. The business seemed successful, but it was actually a front for illegal activities.

“The second case, in 2021, involved the arrest of a cosmetic entrepreneur with a ‘Datin’ title who was involved in drug distribution.”

He said the third case relates to a drug syndicate controlled by a businessman in Kelantan who laundered money through businesses and used other individuals to mislead the authorities.

Yusoff warned product founders, entrepreneurs and influencers that strict action would be taken if they were found to be involved in drug activities, reminding them that the law does not give preferential treatment to anyone.

“This is our warning from the Kelantan police headquarters. We will not compromise if influencers or youth are involved in selling drugs,” he said.

The appearance and act on the above video are for illustration purpose only.

By Fauzi Kadir
Chief Editor

Assistant Editor
Rahayu Mansor

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