Bella says she never heard her son addresses Syed Saddiq as his father

Actress and singer Cik Bella Astillah, 30, does not know if her son, Ayden Adrean Aliff, 8, called Muar Member of Parliament Tuan Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman 'dad' recently, New Straits Times reported yesterday.

Talk is rife on social media that when Syed Saddiq, 33, took Ayden and his mother on a visit to Parliament recently, the boy addressed Syed Saddiq as 'dad'.

Bella said that she did not hear her son call Syed Saddiq 'dad'.

"I did not hear that. I also saw it on TikTok.

"Anyway, the experience of going to Parliament was very good for me because since I was a kid I dreamt of visiting it," she said.

"Ayden initially told me that he was scared about going into Parliament. But thank God he decided to give it a try and loved it."

Bella and her son spent an hour and 30 minutes in Parliament and learnt a lot about the lawmaking process.

Bella and Syed Saddiq are now close friends and many of her fans think that they would "make a great couple".

Bella, a mother of two, was previously married to Singaporean singer and actor Aliff Aziz, but they were divorced on 13 June last year.

On 9 March last year, Aliff was caught for khalwat with actress Ruhainies Zainul Ilyas in a condominium in the federal capital.

They recently pleaded guilty at the Federal Territories Syariah Court and were fined RM3,000.

The appearance and act on the above video are for illustration purpose only.


Adapted by Fauzi Kadir
Chief Editor

Assistant Editor
Jamaliah Mohd Salleh

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