A Kadir Jasin

RAJA PETRA KAMARUDDIN, a Malaysian pro-UMNO blogger, an asylum in UK, is not happy with the way prime minister's communication adviser A Kadir Jasin wrote in his latest posting yesterday regarding the issue of Chin Peng's ashes.

Kadir said that Malays were lazy to read books and that was why many Malays were angry about a group of people bringing back Chin Peng's ashes to Malaysia.

According to Kadir, Malays' anger was due to inadequate knowledge on the history of Hatyai agreement which was signed by three parties -- Thailand government, Malaysia government and now-defunct Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) on 2 December 1989.

Unfortunately, Kadir did not elaborate specifically the content of the agreement which was related to Chin Peng's ashes issue.

Raja Petra, better known as RPK, in his blog, Malaysia Today, warned A Kadir Jasin not to treat Malays as idiots. RPK alleged Kadir as Dr Mahathir Mohamad's spin-doctor.

Below is the excerpt of RPK's article, published yesterday, Friday 29 November 2019.

Raja Petra Kamaruddin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s spin-doctor, A. Kadir Jasin, just wrote a long spin on the issue of bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes to Malaysia to be scattered all over Perak. In his spin, Kadir talks about Allah, the Qur’an, Islam, Prophet Muhammad, and so on.

This is normally how Malays try to impress others regarding how learned and well-read they are. They will throw in some Arabic words, pick a few verses from the Qur’an, quote the Hadith, relate the Sunnah, and presto, what you say comes from God Himself.
In essence, what Kadir is saying is Malays are jahil or ignorant and do not read enough (and the first word in the Qur’an, said Kadir, is “read” or Iqra’). Hence Malays are debating or protesting the issue of Chin Peng’s ashes because they are jahil (thank God I am Bugis-Orang Asli-Welsh and not Malay like Kadir).
Actually, we are not as ignorant as Kadir thinks. First of all, his own boss, Mahathir, opposed bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes back in 2013 (READ HERE: The Government Is Right In Not Allowing The Burial Of Chin Peng In Malaysia Or Bringing His Ashes Back).
Why did Kadir not quote what Mahathir said in that piece six years ago? Does Kadir think Malaysians have forgotten what Mahathir said before? Kadir and Mahathir himself may have forgotten but we have not. So Kadir should stop treating us like idiots.
The common argument is that the 10,000 Malaysians killed by Chin Peng happened so long ago and in 1989 the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) already signed a Peace Treaty with the Malaysian government. So, forgive and forget and let’s move on. Stop talking about the past.
Fine! I have no problems with that. The Malaysian Agreement (or MA63) was signed even longer than that (back in 1963), 26 years BEFORE the Peace Treaty between the CPM and the Malaysian government. So, forgive and forget and let’s move on. Stop talking about the past. Why are Sabahans and Sarawakians still grumbling about MA63?
Then there are those who say that bringing Chin Peng’s ashes back to Malaysia to be scattered in Perak is just symbolic. There is no harm done.
I am also fine with that and have no problems with symbolism.

Why is the German Embassy in Kuala Lumpur upset with this “symbolic” Nazi salute?

Erecting a giant cross or crucifix onto a building is also just symbolic. Why are many Muslims upset with that? Raising the Malaysian flag upside-down is also just symbolic. Why are many Malaysians upset with that? Burning the Qur’an as a mark of protest is also just symbolic. Why are many Muslims upset with that? Giving the Nazi Party salute at the University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) convocation is also just symbolic. Why is the German Embassy in Kuala Lumpur upset with that?
Yes, many so-called “symbolic gestures” upset so many people, even the Germans. But the symbolism of bringing Chin Peng’s ashes back to Malaysia must be tolerated and Malaysians must move on.

The “symbolic” message of Chin Peng’s ashes is that Umno is bad while DAP is good

The issue here is what “symbolism” did those people who brought Chin Peng’s ashes back to Malaysia want to present to Malaysia?
Well, they said it very clearly in their own words. Under the Umno-Barisan Nasional government, Chin Peng’s ashes were banned from Malaysia. Under the DAP-Pakatan Harapan government, Chin Peng’s ashes can be brought back.
That was what those who brought Chin Peng’s ashes back to Malaysia said.
And it is true because when Mahathir was still in Umno in 2013 and the enemy of DAP he opposed bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes but now that he is DAP’s friend he supports bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes. Hence the symbolism of bringing back Chin Peng’s ashes is that DAP is better than Umno.

The content of the excerpt is the writer's personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the official views of Permadu Malaysia.

by Fauzi Kadir  
for Permadu Malaysia
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