Dego Ride founder confirms the resumption of motorcycle e-hailing service in Kuala Lumpur

E-HAILING service Dego Ride is back in business, with users now having one motorcycle ride given to them for free each day for a limited time.

Nabil Feisal Bamadha, Dego Ride founder

Its founder Nabil Feisal Bamadha announced on Wednesday, 28 August 2019 on its website.

The statement came a day after Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman met up with Nabil to discuss future plans for the service which had been slapped with a ban by the previous government in January 2017.

Youth and Sports Minister
Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman

According to the young minister, Dego Ride previously had more than 60,000 users and 1,500 riders before action was taken against it.

The Cabinet had greenlighted local operations for Indonesian motorcycle ride-hailing service Go-Jek on 21 August 2019, subject to viability studies and legal provisions.

Dego Ride resumption of services comes despite the  Cabinet's decision to approve the motorcycle ride-hailing proposal being only "in principle".

Transport Minister Anthony Loke

Transport Minister Anthony Loke had also said that his ministry had been given a month to submit a report on the direction and mechanism for motorcycle ride-hailing services to the Cabinet.

Anthony Loke previously upheld the ban on Dego Ride in September 2018 after report surfaced that the company had revived its operations.

Dego Ride founder Nabil told FMT in May 2019 that the company haf been surviving on courier and delivery services after the clampdown on motorcycle ride-hailing by both the previous and current governments.

Usual charges are set at RM3 for up to three kilometers within Klang Valley area of coverage.

Dego Ride also offers car pickup options.

by Fauzi Kadir  ° Permadu Malaysia
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